Below is a list of my publications. You can find a more functional and up-to-date list on Google Scholar.
Hardinian Arrays, with Manuel Kauers.
Lots and Lots of Perrin-Type Primality Tests and Their Pseudo-Primes, with Doron Zeilberger
Exploring general Apery limits via the Zudilin-Straub t-transform, with Doron Zeilberger. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications.
- Gosper’s algorithm and Bell numbers
Integral Recurrences from A to Z. American Mathematical Monthly.
Tweaking the Beukers integrals in search of more miraculous irrationality proofs a la Apery, with Christoph Koutschan and Doron Zeilberger. The Ramanujan Journal.
- The Meta-C-finite Ansatz. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers, The Fibonacci Association.
- Experimenting with Apery limits and WZ pairs, with Doron Zeilberger. Maple Transactions.
Enumerating restricted Dyck paths with context-free grammars, with AJ Bu. Integers.
Automatic conjecturing and proving of exact values of some infinite families of infinite continued fractions, with Doron Zeilberger. The Ramanujan Journal.
- Global dynamics of a cancer stem cell treatment model (no arxiv link, sorry!), with Kristen Abernathy, Zachary Abernathy, Caleb Mayer, and Heidi Whiteside. International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations.